Alex Cameron

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Who is Alex Cameron?

Alex Cameron (She/her) is a Canadian transgender actor. Alex is a non-conforming queer artist from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Alex Cameron is one of the bright transgender theatre artists changing the landscape of Canadian Theatre. She is a 2020 Crane Creations Theatre Company Summer Ensemble Member.

Alex’s Training

Alex Cameron is a graduate of the University of Toronto. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Performance Studies. Alex is a member of Toronto Fringe’s TENT (Theatre Entrepreneur’s Network and Training). TENT is a free training program for emerging artistists. The program equips emerging artists with skills and network connection to assist the to create meaningful art on their own terms.

Alex’s Theatre Experience

    Alex is also part of the AMY project: Trans Gemmes Writing Program from April to June 2021. The Trans Gemmes Writing Program is a writing mentorship program for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) trans women and trans femmes of any age.
    Alex is also a content creator and is a writer for for Arts Guide Mississauga. She writes articles about theatre She is a dramaturg and studied under dramaturg Joanna Falck. Joanna Falck is a dramaturg and literary manager from Toronto.
    Alex Cameron is also an amazing voice actor. Her voice is like honey. Alex Cameron is a student of Nicole Oliver (On the Mic), Krystal Meadows (Kim Hurdon Casting – Animation), Rhona Rees and Adrienne Lindsay (VO Mistressclass).
    Alex was a part of the Theatre Gargantua’s emerging artists roundtable in 2020. Theatre Gargantua’s emerging artists countable is a forum for emerging artists and graduating post secondary student to engage directly with professional theatre makers.
    Alex is currently one of Nightwood Theatre’s 2021-2022 Young Innovator’s Program. The Young Innovator’s program is for emerging artists and delivers digital and in-person meet-ups to equip participants with the building blocks involved in running a theatre company and creating work on their own terms.
    Alex Cameron’s notable theatre and training credits include Alex/Lead in Lunchmates (2021) by ACTRA Diversity: A Different Lens,  Operator/The Dean/Multiple in A Way Out (2021) by the company, Canadian Play Thing, Dr. James Mitchell/Multiple in The Joy of Sax which premiered at the Toronto Fringe Festival, Nick in 3 Sisters by Thom Nyhuus a new adaptation of the classic play Three Sisters by Anton Chekov which premiered at the Tarragon Workspace as part of Tarragon’s Young Playwrights Unit, and Lurch in The Addams Family Musical.
    Alex is an excellent improviser, and participated in the Theatresports for Oakville Improv.
    During Bridges Festival 2020 Alex Cameron, along with 2020 Summer Ensemble Member, Joel Koshy,  was a moderator on an industry panel for presenting puppetry companies. On the panel was Louise Lapoint artistic director of Castillier Festival, Eileen Smith Artistic Director of Springworks!, Andreja Kovac Artistic Director of Crane Creations Theatre Company and Stephanie Fillips Company Manger or the Shaw festival and former president of OPA (Ontario Puppetry Festival)

Bridges Festival

Bridges Festival – is an international puppetry Festival in Mississauga. Bridges Festival is a three day puppetry festival that happens at the beginning of March Break. Filled with exciting puppetry shows from around the world, award winning animated shorts, an exhibit about the art of puppetry from its origin to today. Bridges Festival aims to connect professional puppeteers from around the world and bridge cultures through one of the oldest art forms. Bridges Festival is on of the events in Mississauga produced by Crane Creations Theatre Company. 

Bridges Festival 2022 will be happening this upcoming March 2022 from March 11 to March 13, in Mississauga. We are excited to announce that we will be hosting in person events this year.

Alex is a Fashionista: Alex Cameron is known for her amazing style. She is an artist and fashionista.

FUN FACT ABOUT ALEX: A fun fact about Alex is that she is a typing wiz. Alex is an extremely fast typer and regularly tests her speed.

Where to find Alex Cameron: Find Alex on her instagram and facebook.

Alex Cameron: Summer Ensemble 2020. Alex Cameron is a 2020 Crane Creations Summer Ensemble Member.

What is the Summer Ensemble

The Summer Ensemble is an 8 week training program for theatre artists. In this paid working opportunity artists learn skills required to be a professional artist in Canada, and gain valuable insights into the theatre industry in Canada and abroad. To apply artists must be between 18 and 30 years of age.

Alex was one of the first summer ensemble members to join the team in June 2020, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to lock down restrictions a large portion of the program was conducted over zoom. Alex as well as the rest of Crane Creations Summer Ensemble handled the transition beautifully, and Alex was quickly able to adapt her talents to a Zoom’s online platform.

‘Crane Creations Theatre Company’s existence is an important statement and a proof-of-concept for a better, more open work for artists; and by extension, all of us.” Alex Cameron

Alex is an actor is Summer Ensemble 2020.

    An actor or actress is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs in the theatre, film, radio, television, or digital media. The analogous Greek term is ὑποκριτής. The meaning translates to “one who answers”.
    An actor’s doesn’t just memorize lines and look pretty. An actor has a fun but important role in creating a story. They are responsible for interpreting and embodying the character in a play, television series, or film. To do this well many actors rehearse and train their bodies and voices regularly. They study their script and consult with the director and scene partners about their interpretation of the character. The main concern of an actor should always be understanding what a character wants or needs and then what they are is doing to achieve this action. A want or a need is also called an objective, or motivation. What an actor is doing is referred to an action or a tactic. An Actor Acts. A good actor makes many different and thoughtful choices about what the character is doing. A very good actor can make many creative choices, and is always ready to change their actions on the fly. Actors sometimes require additional special skills. For example, an actor in a Broadway musical may also need to know how to sing and dance. An actor is a puppet show must know how to operate a puppet. Professional Improvisers need to know how to create a character and make up a story on the spot without any preparation. An actor in an action blockbuster film may also be trained in stage combat and martial arts.
    Alex is a cast member Crane Creations Theatre Company’s 2020 workshop production of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare. Alex is part of the 2020 Romeo and Juliet workshop alongside her fellow Summer Ensemble members, Aimee Poulin, Eugenia De Jong, Joel Koshy, Haneul Yi, Layla Ainsley and Lennon Bradford. Alex plays a variety of different roles in Romeo and Juliet including the roles of Juliet and Romeo. 10 tips of how to make Shakespeare fun and easy to understand.
    Alex Cameron also worked on Mirror, a brand new play in development, called Mirror. Alex workshopped the role, during her weeks as a Summer Ensemble Member.

      Mirror is a new play in development. Mirror is a Musical Puppetry Show for young children. Mirror is written by Former Summer Ensemble Member. Eugenia De Jong. Mirror is about four forest creatures who find a strange object in the middle of a forest and must work together to figure out what it is. The play is inspired by “The Little Mirror” written by Grigor Vitez.Alex is cast in the role of Rabbit, a timid but curious animal who discovers a picture of herself in the forest. Alex brought a sensitivity and intelligence to her role. She fascinated audiences, in local to local outdoor parks across Port Credit and Clarkson, playing the role of Rabbit in Mirror. Alex Cameron uses her phenomenal writing improvisation skills, and love for Japanese folklore to the workshop of the children’s play, which is now in development as a puppet show.
    Alex Cameron, was also part of original workshops of the play Terror. Alex plays the role of the Judge in the original workshops, a judge specializing in constitutional law, who presides over the trial of fighter pilot Lars Koch. Crane Creations Theatre Company presents  Canadian premier the Canadian premier on November 26th 2021, in Clarke Hall Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

      Terror is a courtroom drama, written by one of the most successful German contemporary writers, Ferdinand von Schirach. The play questions the idea of a means justifying an end and warns against quantifying human life. The audience serves as a jury at the trial of a fighter jet pilot. He is accused of killing 164 passengers off a commercial airplane, hijacked by terrorists, heading towards a soccer stadium with 70,000 people. The end of the play depends on the verdict of the audience.
    Alex Cameron is a former Summer Ensemble member, who was is a workshop of Nicole Bonder’s new play. Nicole Bonder is 2019 Crane Creations Summer Ensemble Member. Nicole Bonder is the process of working on a new play, which she first developed during her time at Crane Creations in the Summer Ensemble 2019. The play explores the idea of creation and contains theological and philosophical themes. Nicole Bonder is inspired by the creation story of Adam and Eve. The show plays with the form of theatre, and mixes improvisation and text in the hopes of creating a brand new show, with a brand new cast every night.

“The reason I love theatre is because it’s a synthesis of the arts. It’s a visual spectacle, an auditory fantasy, an emotional symphony. I come to theatre from a similar POV – my main practice is as a performer, backed by a multidisciplinary lens and interest. I’ve been fortunate to help home my practical and philosophical view of theatre at Crane Creations, and will do my best to carry it with me in the future. I’ve got big dream and I’d love to share them with you.’

Alex is one of the many talented and inspiring summer ensemble members whom we had the pleasure to work with.  So, allow us to introduce you to her peer: Bénédicte Mbaididje!

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