Who is Rosina?
Rosina B. Ferede is an Ethiopian-Canadian actor. Rosina B. Ferede is an actor, singer, writer and dancer of Ethiopian origin based in Toronto. She is a graduate of York University and Humber College for Theatre. She aims to make work that asks interesting questions and reflects her place in the world. Rosina is a member of Crane Creations Theatre Company’s 2021 Summer Ensemble
Theatre Experience
Rosina is a theatre actor. Her most recent credits include Olivia in a workshop of Twelfth Night directed by Eugenia De Jong, as part of Summer Ensemble She is also played the roles of MC 2/ Psychologist/Agani in My Korean Canadian Friend directed by Ganesh Thava.
Film and Television Experience
Rosina appears in commercials, short films and online and digital series. In her recent digital web series she appeared as a Roman in The Regent Park Project – 1 Park, 8 Stories directed by Edward Daranyi. She also plays Tyra in the short film ACTon Project directed by Katie Macentee.
” Whether it’s in film, commercials, theatre, web-series, print, voiceovers, music videos and more I am ready to immerse myself in worlds and visions. I can play a variety of roles and types which is reflected in my work, and I strive to continue to do.”
Rosina B. Ferede
Additional Skills
Rosina is a Dancer
Rosina is also a dancer. She is trained in Ethiopian Dance and Hip Hop.
Rosina is a Singer and Musician
Rosina is also a Singer and enjoys music.
“Music is also very important to me – I try to work on my two passions in tandem. I have been collaborating as an artist for most of my training period and career so I can appreciate the importance of serving the work and creation.”
Rosina B. Ferede
Rosina is represented by AMP Talent Group. Want to learn how to get an agent.
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Rosina B. Ferede: Summer Ensemble 2021
Rosina was part of the third annual Summer Ensemble. She is a member of Crane Creation Theatre Company’s 2021 Summer Ensemble.
What is the Summer Ensemble
The Summer Ensemble is an 8 week training program for theatre artists. In this paid working opportunity artists learn skills required to be a professional artist in Canada, and gain valuable insights into the theatre industry in Canada and abroad. To apply artists must be between 18 and 30 years of age.
This was Crane Creations Third Annual Summer Ensemble and Rosina’s addition as a member of the ensemble, helped make this year a memorable experience for everyone.
Due to lock down restrictions a large portion of the program was conducted over zoom. Rosina as well as the rest of Crane Creations 2021 Summer Ensemble handled the transition beautifully, and Rosina was quickly able to adapt her talents to a Zoom’s online platform.
Rosina was an actor in the Summer Ensemble.
What is an Actor?
An actor or actress is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs in the theatre, film, radio, television, or digital media. The analogous Greek term is ὑποκριτής. The meaning translates to “one who answers”.
What does an Actor Do?
An actor’s doesn’t just memorize lines and look pretty. An actor has a fun but important role in creating a story. They are responsible for interpreting and embodying the character in a play, television series, or film. To do this well many actors rehearse and train their bodies and voices regularly. They study their script and consult with the director and scene partners about their interpretation of the character.
Their main concern should always be understanding what a character wants or needs and what they are is doing to achieve this action. A want or a need is often referred to as an Objective, or motivation. What an actor is doing is referred to an action or a tactic. An Actor Acts. A good actor makes many different and thoughtful choices about what the character is doing. A very good actor can make many creative out-of-the-box choices, and is always ready to change their actions on the fly.
Actors sometimes require additional special skills. For example, an actor in a Broadway musical may also need to know how to sing and dance. An actor is a puppet show must know how to operate a puppet. Professional Improvisers need to know how to create a character and make up a story on the spot without any preparation. An actor in an action blockbuster film may also be trained in stage combat and martial arts.
Rosina Is An Actor In The Summer Ensemble
Rosina is an actor in the 2021 Summer Ensemble. In the 2021 workshop of Twelfth Night, Rosina plays the role of Olivia. Rosina also participated in many activities and project with Crane Creations Theatre Company as a Summer Ensemble Member. She read through plays and assisted in workshops of new work. She was part of important and lively discussion and debates about the Canadian theatre industry. Rosina learned about the industry of theatre and what it looks like to be a professional full time artist. She learned about theatre in Mississauga. Rosina wrote grants and presented pitches for future theatre projects. She participated in a seminar held by Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council.
With her fellow Summer Ensemble members she explored the arts outside of Canada as well, and conducted workshops and presentations on prominent International and Canadian artists and theatre companies.
Twelfth Night
Rosina B Ferede is a Crane Creations Theatre Company 2021 Summer Ensemble Member. She is one of the cast members who was part of the 2021 workshop of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Eugenia De Jong, a core team member of the Crane Creations Theatre Company and former Resident Artist is an emerging director. Twelfth Night was the first full length play Eugenia has directed and workshopped. Eugenia is also a fellow Summer Ensemble Member. She is a participant of the 2019 and 2020 Summer Ensemble.
About Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night is about two twins, Viola and Sebastian who are shipwrecked on the magical land of Illyria. Fearing the other is dead, the two disguise themselves and try to make their way in the land of Illryia.
Rosina plays the role of Olivia. Lady Olivia is one of Shakespeare’s classic female lead characters. Lady Olivia is a bible woman on the land of Illyria. After her brother and father die in quick succession, Olivia inherits their vast fortunes. Lady Olivia is an independent woman. Olivia is wooed by many suitors. Her most adamant suitor is Duke Orsino who sends Viola disguised as a man in his stead. Olivia is resolute in remaining unmarried, and refuses to give up her power to a man. However, Olivia is wooed by Viola, despite Viola’s best attempts to turn Olivia down. The character is strong, independent and fierce. She also is vulnerable and embraces love. Rosina is able to show off her masterful acting skills, playing the role of Lady Olivia.

An Interview With Rosina B. Ferede
When Did You Fall In Love With Acting?
It’s hard to pinpoint one specific moment. I grew up an only child. All forms of entertainment were a comfort. Half of my childhood is watching tv and entertainment and music and art. They though it didn’t teach me. But I learned about life and storytelling and connect to stories and through watching that. The first show I remember seeing as a kid is Wizard of Oz at the Grand Theatre, in London Ontario. It was magical and spectacular. There is something about theatre where there’s room for interpretation and magical realism. As a child that was so cool to me. There was a drama program at my high school and I had a great teacher and I was really engaged in it. I have joy and passion for entertainment. Acting is something I always wanted to do I always wanted to perform.
Why Do You Love Being An Actor?
Because it’s not like anything else. You get to play. You get to inhabit other people. Still now it’s so exciting, you get to learn about people and being an actor is an act of empathy or altruism if you think about it. In what other circumstances will I play this person. I place myself in their shoes and I get to become a person. Acting teaches you about how people think and how people behave. You learn social skill, how to write, psychology and anthropology. You are always striving to do better and learn more. The downside of acting is that it’s super underrated of how hard it is as a career.
How Do You Prepare As An Actor?
I read the script. I engage with the story and see what stands out for me. Then, I try to make notes and Examine all the characters and the trajectory of their paths. Once I have a good grip of the play and my character, I’ll start to memorize lines. I’ll action the script and break it up into beats. This way I can better understand what motivates the character, and what actions they are doing to achieve their goal. I will do that sitting down, and write notes about each action next to my script.
Once I have a good grip on the lines, I will stand up and try to get the lines and the motivation in in my body. If possible, I’ll try to read with people. I’ll even record my own voice, saying the lines, and listen to it over and over again. Rehearsing is essential, because you have the opportunity to get in the room with fellow actrors and explore the scene together.
What Is A Piece Of Advice You Would Give Someone Who Wants To Become An Actor In Canada?
Try and take an acting class and try and get an agent. You can just google and know that is what you need to do.
Along my journey as an actor, I’ve encountered people who gate keep certain forms of knowledge about the industry. I refuse to do that. Any piece of information I have, I’ll try to share. That’s how we create opportunities for each other. The world is so small. Share what you know and don’t be afraid to ask questions. I encourage you to ask questions. I remember how unclear things were to me when I was staring out, so I’ll share my resume, and help others with a demo reel, when I can.
In summary these are my pieces of advice; always help someone at the same stage as you or below you. Make a demo reel. Act wherever you go and act anywhere you can. Try to learn as much as you can and look for resources
What Do You Want The Future of Canadian Theatre To Look Like?
I loved a thing that Sanskruti said. She said she wants to make theatre for her parents. The classics are the classics. And you can make new classics. I am interested in what’s new in terms of storytelling. We have to move with the times, and create work that can appeal to Canadians today. I think it is important to tell immigrant stories. Canada is a place of immigrants. Even about immigration and about coming to a new place. and emigrating from home.
What Do You Dream Of Doing?
My dream is to go to Ethiopia and provide opportunities for theatre artists there. I want to somehow be able to work there. I’d love to create my own work but also help new writers as well. There’s website I like called, 49 by plays by Women of Colour. I take a lot of inspiration from those women featured in that list. I want to be able to write and direct and produce a play.
Is there Something You Really Want to Do In the Next Five Years?
I was born here, but my family is from Ethiopia. I’ve gone back and forth a lot. I got the opportunity to tour the national theatre, when I was younger. It was a really special experience that I will never forget. I really want to work there in the future.
Do You Have A Favourite Play?
I can’t say I’ve read a lot of plays. Honestly I can barely even find plays. As a black actor, it’s often hard to find plays in the Canadian Theatre. I would wanna write my own play. I really enjoy creating and making original work. Writing a play will give me the opportunity to find my voice. I’m East African, I don’t see any plays about Ethiopian girls in Toronto.
What Are Your Hobbies?
I’ve been baking. I never used to bake. I made cookies and banana bread. Banana bread.
I like singing. Singing is another thing I try to do professionally. I dropped an EP a couple weeks ago recently. I also want to pursue writing as a profession. Reading is a passion of mine, but I don’t give it enough time to it. I miss sitting down with a good novel and reading.
If You Had A Superpower, what would it be?
To resurrect people to bring back the dead above all. I feel like. If you could see your loved ones once again. I would also want to read people’s mind. You can’t even judge them for their thoughts. You can’t control.
What Is A Fun Fact About You?
Rosina’s favourite animal is a baby goat but puppies are a close second.
What Is Your Favourite Part About The Summer Ensemble?
I actually think it was the blogs and acting. That was like two biggest parts. I really did not think I would like the blogs. But I’m so glad we did them. Now that’s something i want to get into. Taught me time management skills, and working under pressure. I learned a lot abut myself how iI write. Working on the play was so fun. I was so glad that when we finally got together in the space after being over zoom for zo long.