Alicia Plummer is an Actor/Creator from Scarborough Ontario. Alicia Plummer is a proud Black woman, who is all about representation in the arts. Alicia Plummer is also a writer and a director. Alicia Plummer is a graduate of the University of Windsor. Alicia Plummer is Crane Creation Theatre Company’s 2020 Summer Ensemble Member.
Education and Experience
Alicia Plummer has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting from the University of Windsor.
Alicia Plummer’s most recent acting credits include a clown workshop for Carousel Players, as well as playing Belize in a reading of Angel’s In America: Millennium Approaches done by Little Wood Smith & Timber Beast Productions. A Period Piece by Missus Productions, a reading of The Laramie Project for Muskoka Pride, Can Lit Can Suck It by Other(ed) Productions and National Theatre School, and 20/20: Vision by Can’t Stand Sitting Productions. She has also been an actor for Mixed Company Theatre, The Paprika Festival, and Canadian Stage’s Territorial Tales.
Alicia is a Playwright
Alicia Plummer wrote and directed Fandom for the Northumberland Players Summer Shorts Festival. The play is based on her obsession with Degrassi. In 2021 her horror themed Caribbean play, Shut The Front Door, air on PROGRAMSOUND.FM radio. Alicia Plummer is currently a selected member of Obsidian Theatre’s 2021-2022 Playwrights Unit.
“As a playwright, I can create something out of thin air. There is nothing and then all of a sudden there are words on a page.”
Alicia Plummer
Who is Alicia Plummer Represented By?
Alicia Plummer is with Ritter Talent Agency. She is represented by Teri Ritter.
Alicia Plummer: Summer Ensemble 2020
Alicia Plummer is a 2020 Crane Creations Summer Ensemble Member. Alicia was one of the first summer ensemble members to join the team in October 2020, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to lock down restrictions a large portion of the program was conducted over zoom. Alicia as well as the rest of Crane Creations 2020 Summer Ensemble handled the transition beautifully, and Alicia was quickly able to adapt her talents to a Zoom’s online platform. Alicia Plummer was part of the second group of Crane Creation Theatre Company’s 2020 Summer Ensemble.

During her time as a 2020 Summer Ensemble member, Alicia was part of a workshop of a play Terror, written by Ferdinand von Schirach. Alicia was also involved in workshops of new plays, including a children’s puppetry show called Mirror, a new play by former summer ensemble member Nicole Bonder, and a new play in development called Pandora’s Box by artistic Director Andreja Kovac. She also worked on Shakespeare with her fellow actors, working on multiple Shakespeare Scenes and monologues.
As well as participating in workshops Alicia was an essential part of discussions about the future of Canadian theatre, advocating for the representation and diversity of Canadian theatre. Her thoughtful and heartfelt insights made the discussions with her peers that much more valuable.
“Crane Creations has taught me so much about the business side of theatre, within the time frame of two months. I am grateful (and feel more comfortable) now that I know what I professional theatre grant application should look like. My time here has been eye opening, and I feel like I am more knowledgable about theatres outside of Toronto and Canada too! I had a blast meeting other artists within the program, and was grateful to be around such thoughtful and talented beings.”
Alicia Plummer
What is the Summer Ensemble
The Summer Ensemble is an 8 week training program for theatre artists. In this paid working opportunity artists learn skills required to be a professional artist in Canada, and gain valuable insights into the theatre industry in Canada and abroad. To apply artists must be between 18 and 30 years of age.
Why does Alicia love Acting
“I love acting because I love to be able to dive into other worlds. It so magical that someone sits down, creates a story, and you are putting it onstage. It so cool to bring someones ideas to life. I also enjoy the give and take with the audience. Onstage, compared to other forms of acting, it’s really cool to feel reaction of audience and be a part of something unique.”
Alicia Plummer
What is an actor?
An actor or actress is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs in the theatre, film, radio, television, or digital media.
What does an actor do?
An actor’s doesn’t just memorize lines and look pretty. An actor has a fun but important role in creating a story. They are responsible for interpreting and embodying the character in a play, television series, or film. To do this well many actors rehearse and train their bodies and voices regularly. They study their script and consult with the director and scene partners about their interpretation of the character.
The main concern of an actor should always be understanding what a character wants or needs and then what they are is doing to achieve this action. A want or a need is also called an objective, or motivation. What an actor is doing is referred to an action or a tactic. An Actor Acts. A good actor makes many different and thoughtful choices about what the character is doing. A very good actor can make many creative choices, and is always ready to change their actions on the fly.
Actors sometimes require additional special skills. For example, an actor in a Broadway musical may also need to know how to sing and dance. An actor is a puppet show must know how to operate a puppet. Professional Improvisers need to know how to create a character and make up a story on the spot without any preparation. An actor in an action blockbuster film may also be trained in stage combat and martial arts.
How do I become an actor?
There are many ways of becoming an actor. Most people learn how to become an actor by studying and training at a program or a school. Theatre Schools teach the craft of acting at a university program, that specialized in theatre. Students train at these institutions typically between two to four years. Some theatre schools are part of public or private colleges and universities. Theatre schools can also be independent conservatories and learning institutions.
Acting studios offer classes outside of educational institutions. Different acting studios can offer specialized training, such as audition technique, film acting, or improvisation. Others are more generic or cater to your specific needs.
Some actors don’t have any prior training. Johnny Depp and Jennifer Lawrence are famous actors who don’t have any formal acting training. These actors learn on the job by gaining lots of professional and non professional experience.
How does an actor prepare for a role?
Actors prepare for a role in various different ways. Let’s ask Alicia how she prepares for a role.
” I go through each scene and I break it down into beats. Memorization comes with being able to rehearse the scene when I’m on my feet. Memorization helps when I am physically moving around. You also need people. Right now I’m in a one woman show, and I realize how hard it is to play as an actor when it’s just you. It really helps to have some there to work off.”
Alicia Plummer

Who is Alicia Plummer. An Interview with Alicia.
Q: When did you decide you wanted to become an actor?
A: The moment I wanted to be an actor, I was in grade four. We were doing a small theatre show for our class. We were doing something about bullying. I was playing the kid who was being bullied. I had one line, “No! No more!” I said it so convincingly, that everyone in the class stopped and looked at me. I bet they were all thinking, “Oh My God, she speaks!” I was always shy growing up. People hear me and see me when I am acting. I have a voice.
Q: You are an actor, but also a playwright. Why do you enjoy playwriting?
A: Playwriting gives me control I get to decide what happens next. As a playwright I can create something out of thin air. There was nothing and now there are words on a page. The ideas come like a spark.
Q: What stories do you like to tell?
From experience, I tend to write stories inspired by things that happen to me. That’s the bud, and then it blossoms from there. I like to make people laugh, I like to focus on how other black women are represented especially in theatre and the arts. The Jamaican within me, comes out with writing too. Bits and pieces of what its like growing up in Scarborough, and the wonderful friends I’ve met into. It’s these little bits of myself, that blossom into stories.
Q: What is your advice to anyone who wants to go into theatre.
I think the honestly best advice would be taking a class. Improv is a really big skill. I would recommend anyone taking an improv class. Improvisation provides you with a lot of fundamental skills you need as an actor. If you are experienced or if you have no theatre training at all, I would recommend that.
Q: What was your favourite part about Summer Ensemble?
A: I think my favourite part of the Summer Ensemble was working in person before the shutdown. I really like to see fellow performers in person. I liked the discussions about theatre and what theatre is. Some of them where really hard and and even frustrating, but valuable. Looking back, being able to sit and talk about theatre with people in person was really nice.
Q: Do you have an hobbies outside of theatre?
A: Good question. What do i do outside of theatre? I play guitar, I taught myself to play ukulele. I haven’t practiced in a while though. I like to watch to scary movies. Scream is my favourite horror film. Or rather horror comedy film. Second place is The Grudge.
Q: What is your favourite dish to cook?
A: I love to make stir fried noodles. It’s fast. I throw chicken in there bell peppers mushroom. It’s fast. Overall I really enjoy east asian food.
Q: What is your favourite food to eat?
A: For a while I loved samosas. Now, I don’t know anymore. I love Bibimbap. It’s a Korean dish. That would be my favourite right now. I want to travel to Korea at some point.
Q: Do you have a favourite theatre show?
A: I have a favourite musical. I think my favourite musical ever is Annie. I love the music and the dancing. It’s also Christmas themed. I love Fun Home. It’s a beautiful musical. For plays, I have a list. Every time I see or read a play I really like I write it down. On my list I have All in the Timing by David Ives and Constellations by Nick Payne. I saw this play at a workshop during university. It was a really amazing play. I like a lot of plays that are strutted in a non linear way.
Q: What are you up to right now?
A: Right now I am in Obsidians Playwriting Unit. My play reading is happening in June. I’m also in a show for Ottawa fringe at the Undercurrents Festival. That’s happening in February. It’s a one woman show about a grocery store clerk in the midst of a pandemic.