Jessica Rose is an actor from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Jessica Rose is a graduate of Humber College’s Theatre Performance Program. Jessica Rose has acted in multiple non-union theatre and film productions. She has performed and collaborated on multiple pieces Toronto Fringe’s How Did You Find Me Here? and F*cking Perfect (selected as Best of Fringe 2018).
Jessica is a graduate of Humber College’s Theatre Performance. Jessica is the recipient of the Mark Shoenberg Award, The Big Step Award and the School of Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship for Theatre Performance. Jessica is now in her first year at the National Theatre School of Canada.
Jessica roles is a film actor and has appeared Haunted Hospitals (2020), Spicy Noodles, Muted, Secrets of a Modern Family, and the digital online production They Will See Red by the Toronto FC. Jessica Rose’s recent theatre credits include The Stranger 2.0, Who You Callin’ Black, Eh?, Queen Marie, Theatre TOnight’s Hypnagogia, or Ligretto Stop, To Ithaca, Life Underground, Red Haired Girl, and The Crucible . She has performed and collaborated on multiple pieces Toronto Fringe’s How Did You Find Me Here? and F*cking Perfect (selected as Best of Fringe 2018).
Jessica Devises Theatre
Jessica has a passion for devised and physical story-telling, she has produced her own theatre pieces.
What is Devised Theatre
Devised theatre is a method of theatre-making, where a performance is created collectively by a group of artists or ensemble. Devising theatre is not easy. An expert in devised theatre is able to do many things such as perform, write, produce, compose and design. Jessica is proficient in acting, playwriting and producing among other skills. A person who is great at devising theatre also has the unique ability of being able to work with lots of people, who come from different backgrounds, and have different types of skill sets and knowledge. To be a good deviser, you have to be a great communicator. Jessica is a great communicator.
Jessica Rose: Summer Ensemble 2020
Jessica Rose is a 2020 Crane Creations Summer Ensemble Member. Jessica Rose was part of the second group of Crane Creation Theatre Company’s 2020 Summer Ensemble. She was one of the first summer ensemble members to join the team in October 2020, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Due to lock down restrictions a large portion of the program was conducted over zoom. Jessica as well as the rest of Crane Creations 2020 Summer Ensemble handled the transition beautifully, and Jessica was quickly able to adapt her talents to a Zoom’s online platform. She is a member along with:

During her time as a 2020 Summer Ensemble member, Jessica was part of a workshop of a new play Terror, written by Ferdinand von Schirach. Jessica Rose also played the role of Crane, in a workshop of a children’s puppetry show called Mirror, written by fellow 2020 summer ensemble member, Eugenia De Jong. Jessica who in is a workshop of Nicole Bonder’s new play. Nicole Bonder is 2019 Crane Creations Summer Ensemble Member. Jessica was also part of a workshop creation of a new play in development, called Pandora’s Box by Artistic Director of Crane Creations, Andreja Kovac. Jessica Rose delved into the world of Shakespeare, while she was a Summer Ensemble Member, working on Shakespeare scenes with resident artists and emerging director, Eugenia De Jong. As well as participating in workshops Jessica was a part of discussions about the future of Canadian theatre. Her energy, enthusiasm and willingness to participate made her an incredible asset to the team, and a great member for discussions.
“Crane Creations Summer Ensemble Program taught me all about the business side of theatre. I am fortunate to have learned these business skills so early in my career.
Jessica Rose
What is the Summer Ensemble
The Summer Ensemble is an 8 week training program for theatre artists. In this paid working opportunity artists learn skills required to be a professional artist in Canada, and gain valuable insights into the theatre industry in Canada and abroad. To apply artists must be between 18 and 30 years of age.
Why Jessica Loves the Theatre
” I love theatre for selfish reasons and selfless reasons. I love it selfishly because it is a healing experience when I express myself. It is also a selfless expression, because I want to tell stories that benefit society.”
Jessica Rose
What is an actor?
An actor or actress is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs in the theatre, film, radio, television, or digital media.
What does an Actor Do?
An actor’s doesn’t just memorize lines and look pretty. An actor has a fun but important role in creating a story. They are responsible for interpreting and embodying the character in a play, television series, or film. To do this well many actors rehearse and train their bodies and voices regularly. They study their script and consult with the director and scene partners about their interpretation of the character.
The main concern of an actor should always be understanding what a character wants or needs and then what they are is doing to achieve this action. A want or a need is also called an objective, or motivation. What an actor is doing is referred to an action or a tactic. An Actor Acts. A good actor makes many different and thoughtful choices about what the character is doing. A very good actor can make many creative choices, and is always ready to change their actions on the fly.
Actors sometimes require additional special skills. For example, an actor in a Broadway musical may also need to know how to sing and dance. An actor is a puppet show must know how to operate a puppet. Professional Improvisers need to know how to create a character and make up a story on the spot without any preparation. An actor in an action blockbuster film may also be trained in stage combat and martial arts.
How do I become an actor?
There are many ways of becoming an actor. Most people learn how to become an actor by studying and training at a program or a school. Theatre Schools teach craft of acting at a at an educational institution or program that specialized in theatre. Students train at these institutions typically between two to four years. Some theatre schools are part of public or private colleges and universities. Theatre schools can also be independent conservatories and learning institutions.
Acting studios offer classes outside of educational institutions. Different acting studios can offer specialized training, such as audition technique, film acting, or improvisation. Others are more generic or cater to your specific needs.
Some actors don’t have any prior training. Johnny Depp and Jennifer Lawrence are famous actors who don’t have any formal acting training. These actors learn on the job by gaining lots of professional and non professional experience.
Want to learn how to become a professional actor?
How does an actor prepare for a role?
Actors prepare for a role in various different ways. Let’s ask Jessica how she prepares for a role.
“It’s good to do your research first. After that, I like walk as my character. I’m a very physical actor. Moving like them, helps me discover who they are. I also like working with my acting partner or partners. Working with other people helps me understand what my character’s relationship is like with their fellow characters.”
Jessica Rose

Who is Jessica Rose. An Interview with Jessica.
Q: When did you fall in love with theatre.
A: I was very quiet when I was younger. When I was in grade seven, I had this drama teacher. For an assignment we did monologues. I did really well and I was casted in a lead role in a school show. My teacher encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone.
Q: You do devised work. What does devised work mean to you? Why do you enjoy it.
A: Devised can literally mean anything. Everyone has their own process. Everyone who is in the room is a creator a director and a writer. I like you have a voice. No one has a duty. Anyone’s idea is taken into consideration. That’s what’s magical about it. The work you create is original because it’s all about the people you create it with. It’s always different depending on who you create it with.
Q: What was your experience like with the Summer Ensemble?
A: Overall it was great. My favourite part was learning how I can make money for myself as an artist. We did exercises like writing grants, and looking into unions. It was a lot of research, and even though it wasn’t the most fun, I am most thankful for that experience. The activities we did, like writing a grant, that’s what I am doing now, with my own work. I really treasure that experience. It was nice to have a balance, between learning creative skills and business skills.
Q: What’s your star sign?
A: I’m a Cancer. I am a cancer to a T. Not everything is accurate. We all have our moon and rising signs. I am very sensitive. I think that’s a good thing. I’m empathetic and intuitive. Cancer’s can read the emotions in the room. We are also manipulative. I can be manipulative too. I guess that’s why I like acting.
Q: What are your hobbies outside of acting?
A: I do really like to sing. I have studied a bit by taking classes. I like to do writing and create my own stories. I really like to dance even though I wouldn’t call myself a dancer. I like to do it on my own time.
Q: What’s your favourite food?
A: Butter Chicken. I love Butter Chicken. If I could, I would eat it every day.
Q: What are you doing now?
A: I’m actually in my first year at the National Theatre School for Acting. I’m living in Montreal now. I’m also trying to work on this one show, I’ve been working in for five hundred years. I want to submit it to a festival.
Q: What’s a piece of advice you would give to an aspiring actor?
A: I would say, find the joy in everything that you do, because there is gonna be some things that you do not enjoy doing. If you are an actor and get the opportunities to do it, always do it, because there is always room to grow.
Where to find Jessica
Jessica is one of the many talented and inspiring 2020 Ensemble member, lets meet her peer: Alicia Plummer!