About Micheal
Micheal E. Biggins is a translator and Slovene language scholar. He has translated numerous Slovene titles to English, including the works of Drago Jancar, Tomaz Salamun and Nobel Literature Prize Nominee, Boris Pahor.
Currently Michael is based in Seattle where he teaches Slovenian language, and Slavic to English literary translation as a Head of the Slavic and East European Section at the University of Washington Libraries. He is an affiliate Faculty Member for Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Washington. Mr. Biggins has also authored several articles concerning translation from Slovene to English. He received a Distinguished Staff Award from the University of Washington, was a Fellow of the University of Kansas and member of Phi Beta Kappa.
Work translated by Micheal

About the book
Romantic Souls (Romantične duše), was written in 1897, but not produced until 1922, four years after Cankar’s death. It offers masterful portrayals of two intersecting environments – the political coterie surrounding the consummately Machiavellian politician Mlakar, and the stiflingly bourgeois home in which young, orphaned Pavla Zarnikova lives with her guardians, Professor and Mrs. Mak.

About the book
Jakob Ruda, first published and produced in 1900, was Ivan Cankar’s debut as a dramatist and is one of his shortest plays. By the start of the action, its titular protagonist, the middle-aged scion of a wealthy family, has managed to squander nearly all of his inherited wealth in the course of decades spent gadding about Europe.

About the book
For the Good of the Nation (Za narodov blagor), was published and first produced in 1901, and Cankar’s first comedic satire. As in the earlier Romantic Souls, we are introduced to two opposing political camps dominating the political life of the town where the play is set.