Theatre Peršernovo Gledališče is a Theatre in Kranj, Slovenia. The theatre was founded in 1945. The theatre is in operation and runs a year round season of plays performed in repertory rotation by an in house, fully employed, ensemble of actors. Since 1950 the theatre has been the organizer of the National Slovene Drama Week (Teden Slovenske Drame), a curated festival presenting performances of Slovene plays. The festival also hosts a national playwriting competition, the only one of its kind in Slovenia. This anonymous competition invites playwrights to submit plays. A jury selects 5 finalists and on the last day of the festival the theatre announces the winner.

In the past the theatre has translated and published anthologies of Slovene contemporary drama into English and German, and it frequently commissions the first translations of international plays into Slovene language for the purposes of the Slovene premiere of internationally renown authors.
To date, the theatre has had many great collaborations, including the Royal Court Theatre, the world’s leading playwriting institution. The shows produced by Preseren Theatre Kranj are routinely selected for festivals around the world and win many awards.
Address: Glavni trg 6, 4000 Kranj
Phone : 04/280 49 00
Fax: 04/280 49 10 E-mail: pgk@pgk.si
Website: www.pgk.si