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STRICT MINIMUM | A Puppet Show in Mississauga During March Break

A humble hand puppet, made from a purple glove, is brought to life and must navigate its new world. In this wordless performance, dance and puppetry blend seamlessly to explore the essence of existence.

About Strict Minimum

Strict Minimum is a creation combining theatre and puppetry. A solo show without words, establishing a dialogue between the puppet, the body itself becoming scenery and the manipulator. A double simultaneous story is woven, telling the pivotal points of the existence of a sympathetic being, half-animal half-human, as well as that of the manipulator, who reveals himself according to the situations. The crucial stages, the important passages of our journey and the trials to be overcome by the protagonist take the puppeteer's body by storm. Imagination, ingenuity and sensitivity meet in a point of balance linking theatre, manipulation and body, in a touching ode to life.

The Artist Behind STRICT MINIMUM

Vicky Côté is a hyperactive theatre-woman and committed artist, also an author, director, designer, actress and puppeteer. Her plays have been presented in several countries and the work’s ingenuity has become a hallmark often highlighted and rewarded by its peers and the critics. Vicky has been awarded several prizes, including the John-Hirsch granted by the Canada Council for the Arts, in recognition of excellence achieved in her work as director. She also collaborates with other companies as an actress and puppeteer.
Vicky Côté

About Théâtre à Bout Portant

Théâtre à Bout Portant distinguishes itself with a focus on creation using different disciplines, uniting physical theatre, manipulation of objects and choreography. It prefers the experimentation of movement, the physicality in role playing, in the pursuit of a unique artistic approach which is, at the same time, both critical and aesthetic. Its clever and dynamic universes are the base on which the soulful ideas are developed, with a sharp view questioning our behaviours.

The Cast & Crew of STRICT MINIMUM

Created and Performed by: Vicky Côté

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