Death of a Salesman
Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman is a classic American drama that examines the disillusionment of the American Dream. First performed in 1949, it follows Willy Loman, an aging traveling salesman struggling with financial hardship and unfulfilled aspirations. Through a mix of present events and memories, the play delves into themes of identity, family dynamics, and societal expectations. Renowned for its emotional depth and poignant critique of capitalist ideals, Death of a Salesman remains a timeless exploration of human vulnerability and ambition.
Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller (1915–2005) was one of America’s most influential playwrights, celebrated for his profound exploration of societal and personal struggles. Born in New York City, Miller achieved international fame with works like Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, and A View from the Bridge. His plays often tackle themes of morality, identity, and justice, reflecting the complexities of the human experience. A recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and multiple Tony Awards, Miller’s legacy endures as a towering figure in 20th-century theatre.
Play Date is a monthly play reading activity, held on the third Thursday of each month. We read one play from around the world together. The play reading is followed by a group discussion about the play. Anyone is welcome to join and practice reading out loud, regardless of experience or level of English comprehension. With Play Date, learning English becomes fun. This is a place where you can practice speaking out loud, expand your vocabulary and meet new people. Play Date is produced by Crane Creations Theatre Company. Crane Creations is an immigrant led professional theatre company located in Mississauga, Ontario Canada. Join us for our next Play Date!