Joel Koshy

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Joel Koshy is a South Asian Canadian film and television actor. Joel Koshy is an emerging actor who grew up in Mississauga and is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Joel aspires to increase South Asian representation within the arts community and showcase their unique stories through the medium of theatre and film.


Joel Koshy is a graduate of the Acting for Film and Television Program at Humber College in Toronto. Joel Koshy is a graduate of The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, in New York City, USA.


Joel Koshy’s recent acting credit for film and television include Neighbour in the Stranger (2020), Wesley in Disservice (2020), and Diesel in The Motorcycle Boy Reigns. Joel Koshy has recently appeared in a commercial for GO transit and will appear in the upcoming season four of What We Do in The Shadows, an FX television series.

Who is Joel Koshy Represented by?

Joel Koshy is represented by talent agent Alicia Faucher and is part of Fountainhead Talent, a talent agency located in Toronto.

Joel Koshy: Summer Ensemble 2020 

Joel Koshy is a 2020 Crane Creations Summer Ensemble Member. 

“When I first heard about Crane Creations, it sound like an amazing non-profit theatre company. Upon finding out it is based in Mississauga and I immediately wanted to be a part of it, and after auditioning, I luckily became a part of the team. I only have good experiences and memories. Crane Creations nurtures artists’ and helps the growth in a safe environment. So I am forever grateful for the company and I hope to work with them in the future.

What is the Summer Ensemble

The Summer Ensemble is an 8 week training program for theatre artists. In this paid working opportunity artists learn skills required to be a professional artist in Canada, and gain valuable insights into the theatre industry in Canada and abroad. To apply artists must be between 18 and 29 years of age.

Joel Koshy is one of the first summer ensemble members to join the team in June 2020, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to lock down restrictions a large portion of the program was conducted over zoom. Joel as well as the rest of Crane Creations Summer Ensemble handled the transition beautifully, and Joel was quickly able to adapt his talents to a Zoom’s online platform.

Summer Ensemble 2020
Summer Ensemble 2020

Joel Koshy was a member of the 2020 Summer Ensemble and was in the workshops of Romeo and Juliet, playing the character of Lady Capulet. Joel plays a traditionally female Shakespearean role as a man. Joel Koshy was able to bring to life a brand new interpretation of Lady Capulet, challenging the gender stereotypes in Shakespeare, and the roles of a mother and father today.

Joel was also an integral part of creating new works in development. He played the character of Bear in a new children’s puppetry show, called Mirror. Joel Koshy was also part of original workshops of the play Terror.  Joel originally played the role of Defence Counsel Beigler. Joel now plays the Guard in the Canadian premier of the play Terror, produced by Crane Creations.

Joel Koshy with fellow Summer Ensemble Member Lennon Bradford during a outdoor workshop of Mirror.

Joel was apart of lively discussions about the theatre industry in Canada and across the world. He participated in discussions about theatre in Mississauga and the arts in Mississauga. Joel was an incredible summer ensemble member. His kindness and passion shine through in everything he does.

“Crane Creations encompasses everything I love about theatre and more, but now in the community of my hometown, Mississauga.  I am so proud to be a part of the summer 2020 ensemble team. The level of commitment and passion that the company shows will only guarantee its own success.” 

Joel Koshy works with Crane Creations Theatre Company on many occasions. He plays the guard and understudy for Crane Creations Theatre Company’s production of the play Terror. Terror is enjoying its Canadian premiere November 26th 2021 at Clarke Hall in Port Credit, Mississauga.

Joel was also a moderator for Crane Creations Theatre Company’s Bridges Festival. In March of 2021, Joel Koshy, along with fellow 2020 Summer Ensemble Member, Alex Cameron, moderated the Festival Presenters Panel. On the panel was Louise Lapoint Artistic director of Castillier Festival, Eileen Smith Artistic Director of Springworks! and Andreja Kovac Artistic Director of Crane Creations Theatre Company and Stephanie Fillips Company Manger or the Shaw festival and former president of OPA (Ontario Puppetry Festival)

Why does Joel Koshy love to act?

“As Oscar Wilde once said “I read the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of whit it is to be a human being.” Theatre was my safe haven to be free, emotionally and physically. It’s where I built long lasting relationships and it’s also where fell in love with the craft of acting.

What is an actor?

An actor or actress is a person who portrays a character in a performance. The actor performs in the theatre, film, radio, television, or digital media.

What does an actor do?

An actor’s doesn’t just memorize lines and look pretty. An actor has a fun but important role in creating a story. They are responsible for interpreting and embodying the character in a play, television series, or film. To do this well many actors rehearse and train their bodies and voices regularly. They study their script and consult with the director and scene partners about their interpretation of the character.

The main concern of an actor should always be understanding what a character wants or needs and then what they are is doing to achieve this action. A want or a need is also called an objective, or motivation. What an actor is doing is referred to an action or a tactic. An Actor Acts. A good actor makes many different and thoughtful choices about what the character is doing. A very good actor can make many creative choices, and is always ready to change their actions on the fly.

Actors sometimes require additional special skills. For example, an actor in a Broadway musical may also need to know how to sing and dance. An actor is a puppet show must know how to operate a puppet. Professional Improvisers need to know how to create a character and make up a story on the spot without any preparation. An actor in an action blockbuster film may also be trained in stage combat and martial arts.

Want to learn how to become a professional artist?

How does an actor prepare for a role?

Each actor has their own process for preparing a role. Let’s ask Joel how he prepares for a role.

“There’s not one way. I start by breaking down the script. I dissect every aspect of it. Once that’s done, now I have all these pieces to play with. Let’s say a script is like a building. I take this building and a deconstruct it piece by piece. Now I have all these pieces and I can find different ways to put them back together, and make a new building. Each role is all about how you put the pieces back together.”

Who is Joel Koshy. An Interview with Joel Koshy.

Q: Why did you choose to become and actor? What started it all?

A: It was a sense of escape. When you are acting, I feel like you have this freedom to be who you want to be. When I first started acting, acting provided that. I wanted the chase.

Q: Was there a particular moment when you knew you wanted to become an actor?

A: There was a particular moment – watching Dark Night. Watching Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker. I think there are a lot of kids from my generation who wanted to become actors after watching his performance. After I saw him in that role, I researched what he did, what his career path was. I thought, ‘If that is a career that someone can have, that’s something that I want to do’. I did acting just for fun before, but after watching the Dark Night, I took it seriously. I got into it.

Q: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

A: Ask yourself why you want to be an actor. Be honest. Then ask yourself the next question, ‘How much am I willing to do to make this a career?’ It is a very difficult career, only a few make it.

Q: You really love film as well as theatre. What draws you to film?

A: I love how visual imagery can tell a story, can sway the audiences emotions. Theatre is something I sought out, but film is what I grew up with. My parents loved films. They went to go see Hollywood and Bollywood films with me as a child. I loved the memory of being a small kid in this big theatre. Over the years I fell into film more and more. I like all aspects of filmmaking, the whole curation of a film. Acting was the one aspect I loved entirely. That’s where I started to grow my love for theatre.

Q: What is something you watched recently that you really liked.

A: I watched Spider-Man: No Way Home. Everyone should go watching Spiderman. It made me cry. There’s a lot of nostalgia. It’s like this drug that was invented that take people back in time.

Q: What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?

A: I like music a lot. I enjoy listening to music. I enjoy community aspect of music. Sitting by the fire making sounds. I love playing basketball. I love competitive sport and board games. Anything competitive.

Q: What’s your favourite food?

A: If I’m making it, breakfast is easiest to make. My favourite cuisine would be Italian and my favourite dish would be pizza. Meat lovers is good with some bacon bits, sausage, pepperoni, and then feta cheese. If I’m feeling classy, I’ll replace the tomato sauce with creamy sauce as a base.

Q: What was your favourite part about Summer Ensemble

A: Seeing people for the first time during Covid. Seeing people that I connect with: actors, performers. My favourite part of the summer ensemble is the ensemble. I enjoyed sharing ideas with other artists. Andreja was the biggest person for that. She opened our eyes. Everybody came from different walks of life and were in different stages of their career. It was fulfilling and refreshing to learn and grow again.

Q: You’re from Mississauga. What does Mississauga mean to you? What is your favourite thing about Mississauga?

A: Community.

Q: What are you up to now?

A: I’m working on an anthology series with my friend. We are writing it together. We’re hoping to create the series and then send it out to some film festivals.

Where to find Joel Koshy

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Summer Ensemble

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Puppet Festival Mississauga 2025!

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Enjoy the magic of puppetry with your loved ones from March 8 – 16 2025

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