Mya Wong

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Mya Wong is a theatre artist from Toronto. Her theatre adventures started on the floor of the Canadian Plays section at North York Central Library and have gone on to include Ryerson University’s Acting program, 24 Hour Plays: Nationals 2021, Crane Creations, and many other wonderful experiences.

Mya is a member of the Summer Ensemble. She worked as an artistic producer, puppeteer and actor as part of the program, and is a puppeteer for the 2021 workshop of the play Mirror, a children’s puppetry show.

Meet Mya Wong. An Interview with Mya.

How Did You Get Into Theatre?

I grew up playing violin and doing choirs. In middle school, I did choirs there, and I played saxaphone, and trombone. I got into theatre in high school. I grew up doing music and doing musicals. In grade 11, I was cast as the lead in the musical for that year. I realized how much I loved it.

You Are An Artistic Producer. What Does It Mean To Have A Leadership Role In The Arts?

I think that leadership in the arts that it’s important. It can go really wrong if you don’t have clear communication. I have a lot of feelings what leadership means as someone in school. We look to professors and faculty for leadership.

I am also thinking about leadership in the general community and how many forms that can take. There are boards and governance, and organizations outside. I have been working for indigenous performing arts alliance. They are not putting on show buts are still leaders in the community. I think Andreja, the artistic director of Crane Creations, an incredible leader. I’ve never worked on a production as collaborative as Mirror was, but she was clearly the leader. I draw a lot of influence from that, when I am in a leadership role. It comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s been a huge learning curve trying to be efficient and trying to service everyone and everyone else is trying to service me. It’s about balance. 

What Was Your Favourite Part of Summer Ensemble?

Working on Mirror was my favourite part hands down. I cannot shut up about how much fun it was when I’m in school. For my performance class, we made puppetry. I managed to speak to the program director, about putting me in touch with someone developing puppetry at queens. I made this really cool puppet show only using sticks. Stick! Stick puppets, but the whole audience was crying at the end of the show. I also learned a lot by review the submissions for Bridges Festival. During Summer Ensemble, Wwe watched the puppet shows that we submitted. Looking at all these professional puppet shows were were able to analyze and discuss what worked, what we liked and why.

What Are You Up To Now?

I applied to be a part of SpringWorks. Me and a few friends pitched a piece and they accepted it. We are filming it next week. I like watching other people get excited about it and helping them achieve it. That’s why I’m drawn to producing now. It’s nice to bring people together.

What Are Your Hobbies?

I like baking. I’m not good at it. I love making short read cookies. Dry and salty but no one else in family thinks so. I play league of legends in my spare time. I like making music too and did a little bit of that over the winter break. 

If You Could Travel Anywhere In The World, Where Would You Go?

If I can only choose one, I would go to Vietnam. Specifically Saigon. I’ve been learning Vietnamese since the summer. I want to go so bad. In second place would be Hong Kong.

What Is Your Favourite Play?

I feel like that changes all the time. My favourite play I’ve seen recently was dances at rock bottom movement. The dance show is called Dino Land. I absolutely loved it. It was wild and fun.

Before We Go, Do You Have Any Advice For Aspiring Theatre Artists?

Go and See as much work in possible. It is the best thing you can to. Talk to people after teh show and ask them about their experience in the industry. Talking to people in the industry is way more beneficial than you think it will be.

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